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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’


Year 1 Zoom Meet Up. 

We will be having a Year 1 Zoom. For more details please click onto the subpage below.

Return to School in Year 1 – Questions and Answers

Please join us on Zoom at 9.30am. Please click on the link below.

We will be discussing our return to school on Monday 8th March and there will be an opportunity for children to ask any questions they may have.

Many thanks and warm wishes

The Year 1 Team

Wednesday 3rd March



Input – Watch the video delivered by your Year 1 teachers by following the link below.

Task – Your task today is a worksheet that you will find below. Your worksheet is all about adding by making 10 using a tens frame, today we will be using both one and two digit numbers to see what you can remember! You do not need to print out the sheet, you can copy the answers onto a piece of paper. When you have finished, if you are happy to, please share this to your class blog or email it over to the teachers on home learning.


Game – There is an addition game for you to play called ‘Birds v Robots –Maths Battle’. Your goal is to try and save the birds eggs from the robots by answering the addition number sentences correctly. When given the option please select ‘Addition from 10’ and ‘Addition from 20’. You can then choose the difficulty of the game to suit your child.


Additional Maths Activity There is no expectation to complete the additional maths work. This can be used to extend your child's learning if you feel this is appropriate. 


Read, Write, Inc.

See the subpages below for the Read Write lessons for your child’s Read Write Inc group. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the home learning teachers.



There is a handwriting 2DO on Purple Mash for you to watch. Please then complete on paper. You will need a pencil and lined paper to complete this activity.

Our words today are; no, go, away.

Challenge – Can you form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place?


Reading - Click on my class login.

Username: barnbylions/barnbytigers/barnbymeerkats

Password: lions/tigers/Meerkats

Go on the ebook library and read a story book linked to your book band or Read, Write, Inc. Group.


PE – Yoga

Have a go at the cosmic ‘Kickapoo the Kangaroo’ yoga.

A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure with Kickapoo the Kangaroo about saying hello, being polite and not judging others on their appearance!




Here are some extra challenges for the children to do. There is no expectation to do these extra challenges. We thought if you are looking for something to keep your children entertained these may be useful. Enjoy J



Have a go on Numbots:

Please contact us if you have misplaced your child’s login.