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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Green Read Write Inc Group (Mrs Jenkins Group)


Phonics - reading and spelling words with a new sound:

Your child should watch and join in the two videos below. They will need paper and a pencil.

Reading ‘oo (look)’

Spelling with ’oo (look)’


Reading: ‘Skateboard Sid’

Throughout this week the children will be reading the Green book Skateboard Sid’ and completing some tasks like we do in school. These will be spread out and we will revisit different parts of the book on different days.

Log in to Oxford Owl with your child’s class log in, then click on ‘RWI e-book library’. You can then look for the Green book ‘Skateboard Sid’.

Today’s tasks with the book are:

  • Practise the speed sounds on page 4. An adult could point to them randomly for the child or they can practise on their own.
  • Read the story green words on page 5. Children should look for special friends, Fred talk and then read the words (‘Friends – Fred-Read’)
  • Read the red words on page 5. These might be new words to the children which they will encounter when they read the book.
  • Children to read page 8-13.


Handwriting2Do on Purple Mash

Your child will need paper and a pencil. Ideally this would be lined paper/exercise books, or paper that you have drawn some lines on so that children can practise their handwriting and where letters sit on the line.

Spelling practise – practise your weekly Year 1 spellings ready for your quiz on Friday.

Here are this week’s spellings:

so, no, go, day, play, away
