Last Reviewed: | September 2024 | Next Review: | September 2025 |
Responsibility: | Finance, Audit, Risk and Personnel | Approved on: | September 2024 |
Approved By: | Trustees and Governing Body |
At Barnby Road Academy we believe in developing the whole child. We aim to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to attain high levels of achievement and for all children to be able to make ambitious choices about their future lives.
Everything we do is underpinned by our mission statement ‘Achieve our best’.
Barnby Road Academy wants to be recognised as a school at the heart of the community, providing an inclusive, safe, caring and stimulating environment in which to learn.
‘Respect’ is a key value shared by the Barnby Road Community.
Equality Statement
At Barnby Road Academy, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life.
We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by challenging bullying and stereotypes and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.
At Barnby Road Academy, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.
We provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement. We do this by:
Our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent and do not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, religion, belief, disability and/or socio-economic background.
All staff appointments and promotions are made on the basis of merit and ability and in compliance with the law. We are keen to ensure that the staffing of the school reflects the diversity of our community.
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and other legislation
As a school we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The general duties are:
We understand the principal of the act and the work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity.
A protected characteristic under the act covers the groups listed below:
In order to meet our general duties, listed above, the law requires us to carry out some specific duties to demonstrate how we meet the general duties. These are to:
In order to do this effectively we will collect data related to the protected characteristics above and analyse this data to determine our focus for our equality objectives. The data will be assessed across our core provisions as a school, but we will also analyse available data relating to the context of our local community, including hate crime data and demographic information. In relation to school provision we will pay particular attention to the following functions:
Our objectives will detail how we will ensure equality is applied to the services listed above however where we find evidence that other functions have a significant impact on any particular group we will include work in this area.
We also recognise that our work on equality is central to the successful promotion of fundamental British Values, especially in relation to the values of respect and tolerance and the rule of law. We will therefore ensure that our curriculum helps to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and that we work proactively to address all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including derogatory and discriminatory language.
We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
In fulfilling our legal obligations we will:
Our Vision Statement
‘Achieve our best’
At Barnby Road Academy, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life. We want all children to have the chance to shine.
We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by challenging bullying and stereotypes and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.
At Barnby Road Academy, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all stakeholders.
Addressing Prejudice Related Incidents
This school is opposed to all forms of prejudice and we recognise that children and young people who experience any form of prejudice related discrimination may fair less well in the education system. We provide both our pupils and staff with an awareness of the impact of prejudice in order to prevent any incidents. If incidents still occur we address them immediately and may seek support from the Local Authority Equality Team.
We believe that promoting Equality is the whole school’s responsibility:
School Community | Responsibility |
Governing Body | Involving and engaging the whole school community in identifying and understanding equality barriers and in the setting of objectives to address these. Monitoring progress towards achieving equality objectives. Publishing data and publishing equality objectives. Ensuring that staff have access to appropriate training and resources. |
Head Teacher
| As above including: Promoting key messages to staff, parents and pupils about equality and what is expected of them and can be expected from the school in carrying out its day to day duties. Ensuring that all of the school community receives adequate training to meet the need of delivering equality, including pupil awareness. Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to record report, and respond appropriately to prejudice related incidents. |
Leadership and Management Team | To support the Headteacher as above Ensure fair treatment and access to services and opportunities. Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to record, report and respond appropriately to prejudice related incidents. |
Teaching Staff | Help in delivering the right outcomes for pupils. Uphold the commitment made to pupils and parents/carers on how they can be expected to be treated. Design and deliver an inclusive curriculum. Ensure that you are aware of your responsibility to record, report and respond appropriately to prejudice related incidents. |
Non -Teaching Staff | Support the school and the governing body in delivering a fair and equitable service to all stakeholders. Uphold the commitment made by the head teacher/principal on how pupils and parents/carers can be expected to be treated. Support colleagues within the school community. Ensure that you are aware of your responsibility to record, report and respond appropriately to prejudice related incidents. |
Parents/Carers | Take an active part in identifying barriers for the school community and in informing the governing body of actions that can be taken to eradicate these. Take an active role in supporting and challenging the school to achieve the commitment given to the school community in tackling inequality and achieving equality of opportunity for all.
Pupils | Supporting the school to achieve the commitment made to tackling inequality. Uphold the commitment made by the head teacher on how pupils and parents/carers, staff and the wider school community can be expected to be treated. |
Local Community Members | Take an active part in identifying barriers for the school community and in informing the governing body of actions that can be taken to eradicate these. Take an active role in supporting and challenging the school to achieve the commitment made to the school community in tackling inequality and achieving equality of opportunity for all. |
We will ensure that the whole school community is aware of the Single Equality Policy and our published equality information and equality objectives by publishing them on the school’s website.
Breaches to this statement will be dealt with in the same way that breaches of other school policies are dealt with, as determined by the head teacher and governing body.
Monitor and Review
Every four years, we will review our objectives in relation to any changes in our school profile. Our objectives will sit in our overall school improvement plan and therefore will be reviewed as part of this process.
Barnby Road Academy has used the following process to assist them in identifying some of the barriers to their pupils in accessing education provision.
Stage 1: Understanding Our School Community – Pupils - What is the school profile?
What information on pupils is collected by protected characteristics?
Stage 2: Understanding the Information Gathered
Using the monitoring information gathered the school looked at the following to identify whether there were any obvious gaps or potential issues for pupils in relation to the protected characteristics:
Equality Objectives:
1. To reduce prejudice and discrimination and increase understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion, more specifically an understanding of discrimination by the whole school community including SLT, Governors, staff, pupils and parents
Why: Our curriculum content and resources are not fully representative of wider society. The general equality duty requires us to foster positive relations between different groups.
How: Provide training on the protected characteristics. Provide opportunities to celebrate the diversity in our school community. Provide a range of diverse curriculum opportunities.
Outcome: All stakeholders will demonstrate an increased and sustained understanding and respect of the diversity in the school and local community.
2. To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.
Why: According to the 2021 census, Newark and Sherwood is 96.3% white and this is representative of our school community. We feel that as a result of this it is extremely important that we work hard to give our children excellent opportunities to explore different ethnicities, race and faiths and nurture a culture of everyone being welcome at Barnby Road Academy
How: Any patterns or trends that show identified groups require additional support will be addressed and interventions put in place as required. This may be academic support or ELSA support to raise self-esteem/confidence or address any barriers to learning
Outcome: All groups of children will achieve to their full potential and any support needs will be identified.
Why: Children’s knowledge of protected characteristics and particularly the language around this is limited.
We need to raise the profile around protected characteristics and ensure that all children and staff know these.
How: Staff CPD focused on equality, diversity and the protected characteristics. PSHE/RSE time to teach protected characteristics/diversity and inclusion
Outcome: Staff and children will be more aware of the 9 protected characteristics and these are embedded within our PHSE and overall teaching practice.
The equality objectives for Barnby Road Academy are contained within the school improvement plan and are monitored termly by the Governing Body.