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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Summer Term

Tigers Trip to YWP

Wow, what an amazing trip Tigers class have had today! We saw so many of the parks animals, and had a great classroom with lesson with Christina! The children's behaviour has been fantastic today. Look through the pictures to have a glimpse of our adventures :)

Lions and Tigers Fashion Show

This week in Year 1 we have been designing and printing our own T-shirts. The children planned a design before creating a stencil which they then printed onto their very own T-shirts. Lions and Tigers then performed a fashion show to their friends, practicing their best catwalk poses and walks. The children looked fantastic and were very excited to take their T-shirts home. 

Meerkat Yorkshire Wildlife Park! 


What an amazing adventure we went on! The children had the incredible opportunity to get up close and personal with such a wide variety of animals as part of their science topic. What a fun day! 

