PE at Barnby Road
At Barnby Road, we will ensure that all children experience a broad sporting curriculum where every child has the opportunity to enjoy learning new skills, to take part in competition, and for all pupils to reach their full potential. All children from Reception to Year 6 will begin a sporting pathway through our inspiring weekly indoor and outdoor PE. In our outdoor lessons, all children will experience a wide range of invasion sports and exercises and will develop transferable skills and knowledge to adapt to team games. Through our indoor Dance and Gymnastics lessons, all children will learn to rehearse, perform and express themselves, using apparatus and music. PE Hub planning provides objectives and a starting point for our PE planning across the school.
All children in Year 2 -6 have the opportunity to attend our extensive range of afterschool sports clubs that utilize our large outdoor spaces and purpose-built sports hall. Children in Year 3-6 have the opportunity to take part in inter and intra school competitive sport across a wide range of disciplines.
PE at Barnby Road will ensure that pupils make progress through each year group, so that they at least meet the agreed age expectation and develop the skills and knowledge to live a healthy and physical lifestyle at school, and to take with them for the rest of their lives.