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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Behaviour Policy



Last Reviewed:September 2024Next Review:September 2025
Committee Responsibility:

Strategic and Pupil            

Approved on:          September 2024    
Approved By:Trustees and Governing Body



This is a working behaviour policy and practice document.  It is designed to be as follows:

  • simple, practical, well used and understood by all teachers, teaching assistants, those on temporary contracts, support staff, governors, parents and especially children
  • aid good primary practice, and linked to the following policies:
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Attendance
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Equality & Diversity
  • ensure consistency in approaches and practice
  • ensure equal opportunities, as defined in the Equal Opportunities Policy
  • emphasise our belief that good discipline comes from self-discipline and that the consent of staff and parents in supporting such a policy is vital in achieving good practice 
  • illustrate that discipline should not just be seen as a wrong doing / punishment argument
  • Our Behaviour Policy and Practice should be seen as an educational process rather than a controlling system



We aim to create a stimulating and caring environment where all children irrespective of race, gender or disability:

  1. Develop their social awareness and intellectual potential
  2. Gradually move to becoming independent and enthusiastic learners
  3. Learn to recognise, respect and value the cultural, racial and sexual differences in our society and feel a valued member of the school community


We welcome cultural, gender and linguistic diversity and oppose racism and intolerance.

We aim to promote a positive school ethos through the following:


Whole school level

  • All adults model respectful and supportive relationships (‘walk the walk’) and demonstrate their understanding of the school’s core beliefs about behaviour
  • Based on our school aims, assemblies will have a ‘Value of the Week’ designed to develop children’s values and social, emotional and behavioural skills. 
  • Having agreed routines and clear systems to foster positive behaviour all around the school, e.g. corridors, playgrounds, dining halls
  • Making Parents / carers aware of, and helping them to contribute to, our positive behaviour ethos
  • Having clear, consistently used systems for dealing with inappropriate behaviours
  • Giving all staff opportunities to discuss and contribute to the development of ideas to encourage positive behaviour


Classroom Level

  • Modelling of controlled, respectful non-verbal and verbal behaviours by adults
  • Treating all children with respect, warmth and fairness
  • Value and nurture each child’s individuality
  • Genuinely listening to children, and valuing their contribution
  • Explicitly teaching values (British and Barnby), and reinforcing appropriate behaviour
  • Teaching problem solving strategies
  • Helping children to learn the language needed, e.g. of sharing, turn-taking, co-operation, giving and receiving compliments, choice, and consequences
  • Routinely providing opportunities for children to practise social skills and aid their emotional development
  • Providing interesting and appropriately challenging lessons
  • Encouraging children to recognise their own strengths and those of other children, and to value the diversity within the classroom
  • Clearly understood routines (e.g. silent signals, for entry, exit, using equipment etc.) to promote an appropriate climate for learning
  • Agreeing classroom rules which promote positive learning, values and social behaviours – these should be generated by the class
  • Helping to develop in pupils an acceptance of responsibility for their own behaviour
  • Acknowledging and celebrating appropriate behaviour, rather than focussing on negative behaviour
  • Having a structured approach to deal with inappropriate behaviour, which is clearly understood by all
  • Providing appropriate support for children who experience difficulty in developing or sustaining appropriate behaviour.  These may be discussed with Behaviour leader, Head, Heads of Upper / Lower School or SENDCo
  • Showing support for Lunch Time staff by discussing behaviour and the entries in the ‘Lost Golden Time’ booklet

Bullying of any sort will not be accepted. (see Anti-Bullying policy)



Children need to understand that ‘rules’ are necessary in families, school, work-place etc.  They need to be adhered to help to make school a safe and pleasant place to be and to reinforce the notion that everyone has rights, but also responsibilities.   Our overarching three rules, which should be displayed in each class, are as follows *see appendix 1:


Respect yourself

Respect others

Respect your surroundings


Attendance and Punctuality (see Attendance Policy)

All children must attend regularly and absence is only acceptable if due to illness or some other approved reason.  Children must be punctual at the start of the day and for lessons throughout the day. 


Dress and Appearance (see Uniform Policy)

Children's dress and appearance should conform to the requirements laid down in the school brochure.  This includes physical education classes.  It is the responsibility of all staff members to ‘be vigilant’ and enforce the dress code.  However, the religious and cultural needs of pupils must also be taken into account. 



Only plain earring studs, one per-ear, are acceptable for pierced ears.  Studs must be taken out for PE. Please do not send children with earrings on PE / swimming days, or, ensure children can remove their earrings themselves.


We do not permit the following:

  • Hooped or ‘drop’ earrings
  • Chains
  • Bracelets
  • Rings
  • Medallions


Our policy states that children must remove earrings before taking part in PE – this includes swimming.  Please consider this before getting children’s ears pierced.


Nails & Temporary Tattoos

Children should not wear nail polish / artificial nails of any colour to school. A member of staff will contact parents / carers on the first day of a pupil wearing nail polish and ask for it to be removed by the next school day. The same process will apply for temporary tattoos.



Children with long hair must have it tied back as it helps prevent head lice. Hair bands / bobbles etc. should be simple and that serve the purpose.


We do not permit the following:

  • Lines, shapes and lettering shaved into a child’s hair
  • Extreme haircuts
  • Coloured braids / extensions
  • Mohicans
  • Novelty hair bands / over-sized bows



Educating children in good classroom behaviour involves teaching them the most basic standards of acceptable behaviour.  It describes the conditions necessary for you to teach, the children to learn and for everyone’s safety.


The first few weeks of the school year are a crucial time in the establishment of the Rights, Responsibilities, Rules and Routines of the class; the 4Rs.  Sometimes, these need to be revisited at the start of a new term.  Positive rules and routines are important because:

  • They help with the smooth running of our classrooms (including keeping school equipment and personal effects tidy)
  • They give everyone a clear framework in which to operate effectively


We need to teach good behaviour through modelling, clear directions, encouragement and feedback; it is a strand that runs through everything we do at Barnby Road.


Quality time must be allowed to work on these 4 areas through circle time, discussion, role-play etc.  These are explicitly taught through our JIGSAW programme.


Good manners need to be taught and encouraged in the context of the rights and responsibilities of everyone in the class.


The consequences of inappropriate behaviour should also be discussed.


Children sign a display copy of the Class Golden Rules, to show their agreement.  This should be referred to throughout the year.


We can help to promote desired behaviours/attitudes in many ways.  Ideas include the following:


  • Teacher acknowledging and describing good attitudes and behaviours in front of peers – praising the behaviours you want to see.  This is very constructive as it serves as a reminder / model to the rest of the class of the behaviour expectation
  • Sending Pupil to another Teacher, to the Head or Heads of Upper or Lower School to show / talk about what they have done well.  Only allow them to go if they have genuinely made an outstanding effort and know what they have achieved
  • Recognition through awarding ‘House points’ and / or ‘Star of the Week’ in to acknowledge achievement.  Take care that ALL children have equal opportunity to achieve awards
  • Speaking to parents / carers – face to face or via a phone call - inform them, and therefore reinforce, the positive experience.  This is particularly useful for children who would rather not receive praise in front of their peers



As a general rule, we need to avoid trying to motivate children to do what we want by offering them a ‘carrot / bribe’ (‘if you do this you can show Mr Chamberlain / will get a sticker’).  When children have finished their learning and can tell you why they have done well etc, to celebrate their achievements, then they can go to show their work / get a stamp etc. but….  awards are more effective at making long-term behaviour changes when the child does not know ahead/ expect that they’re going to be ‘awarded’.


Verbal Praise - EYFS

An emphasis on verbal, positive reinforcement is prioritised. A ‘Treat Square’ (see below) is used as well as ‘Star of the Week’.


House Points and Stamps– KS1 and KS2

Children from Year 1 upwards are divided in to four houses:

Hercules - red, Castle - yellow, Sconce – green, Magdalene - blue


Short term:

You can award a “star of the week” exemplary behaviour, effort, attainment or attitudes – essentially, demonstrating our school values; this is then given each week in class assembly.  Teachers should keep a record for this and ensure that all pupils in their class can achieve it at least once over the academic year.


Long Term: KS 1 + 2

Children receiving a house point gain a token for their house and a stamp on the progress card.


Once again, house points can be given for exemplary behaviour, effort, attainment or attitudes – essentially, demonstrating our school values.


All staff, including midday supervisors, can award house points.


Every child must have a stamp card to record their house points on. These must be kept up to date and valued.


Children progress through the awards.  It is planned so that it takes around two years in KS1 to reach “Gold” and four years in KS2 to reach “Diamond”. We don’t expect every child to reach gold.


Badges and plaques are awarded by the head teacher.  Teachers should send children to the head teacher when they complete their stamp card. This achievement should also be celebrated in the classroom.


Stamp cards travel to the next year group but start anew in the next Key Stage.


Treat Square – EYFS and KS1

In EYFS and KS1, each class will display a ‘Treat Square’ within the classroom. A square / several squares will be coloured in for whole class rewards for positive behaviour, attitude or achievement linked to specific aspects of our school values. When the 100 square is complete the class get a treat to be agreed with the teacher. There are small treats awarded along the way, at multiples of 10. Treat squares can be awarded by any staff member for classes who have demonstrated our values.





Staff should be aware of the way any reprimand is delivered. Shouting should be regarded as a very, VERY RARE exception. The occasional raised voice when the child / class are normally quiet is more effective; being loud all the time just becomes ‘wallpaper’.


When reprimanding a child, it is expected the teacher will:

  • Know the child. Reprimands should be appropriate to the age, character and understanding of the individual child
  • Be reasonably close to the ‘target’ child. Where possible avoid blanket, whole class reprimands. Encourage the child to be ‘self-critical’
  • Deliver the reprimand calmly, firmly and with confidence. With older children in particular, it might be better to speak to the child away from their peers
  • Be clear and specific about the facts and the points you wish to make. Give the child the opportunity to explain their point of view. Don’t get involved in argument. Do not let the child talk while you are talking
  • Make sure the children are clear that it is the inappropriate behaviour that is unacceptable, not the child. We should be aware of what is said when reprimanding a child. The reprimand should be related to their behaviour. We should encourage the child to take responsibility for their actions. Explain carefully why the child is ‘in trouble’ and the behaviour that was appropriate
  • Link desired behaviours to our overarching 3 rules, Class Golden Rules or Barnby / British values
  • Give the child the opportunity to describe a behaviour that would have been appropriate.  ‘What should / could you have done?’ – again, link desired behaviours to our overarching 3 rules, Class Golden Rules or values
  • We should be aware of the situation where the reprimand is given. Reprimands should NEVER humiliate a child
  • Never use emotive language e.g. naughty, idiot, stupid
  • Do not always insist on eye contact with the child – be aware that some children can listen better when not looking into the speaker’s face




Aims and Purpose

  • Barnby Road has adopted systems to discourage inappropriate behaviours during lessons, in non-confrontational ways to cause little disruption to the lesson
  • In EYFS and Key stage 1, the ‘1,2,3 MAGIC’ system is discussed and clearly displayed in classrooms (see appendix 2)
  • In Key Stage 2, the “Breaking Our Rules” system must be clearly displayed in each classroom (see appendix 3)
  • It is important that the systems are applied consistently
  • The children must clearly understand the system and consequences
  • Where children have their name put on the board in a classroom other than their own, their name should be transferred to their own classroom board at the end of the lesson.  This ensures that the class teacher can keep a record of the behaviour of children in their class
  • In practice these have been found to be a very effective deterrent for the vast of children.  However, there will be a few children, who have emotional and behavioural difficulties, who will not respond to this system.  These children need to have alternative strategies in addition to this system.  (These can be discussed with Behaviour leader, Head, Heads of Upper / Lower School or SENDCo)


The Steps of School Sanctions Procedures

The aim of a set procedures for sanctions is to provide a more structured, more consistent approach to discipline, for minor misdemeanours. Obviously, if the behaviour is of a more serious nature, then it may be necessary to enter the steps at a later point.


This decision must be made by the individual dealing with the child, bearing in mind knowledge of the child and information available.


It is important to emphasise:

  • the steps for `Minor Class Misdemeanours` called ‘Magic 1,2,3’ and `Breaking our Rules` must be clearly explained to pupils, displayed and followed consistently by all Staff
  • the children must be told of the consequences of further misbehaviour
  • the procedure must be followed through
  • the ‘step’ format of rising seriousness is adhered to
  • missed plays / sanctions cannot be ‘earned’ back!


Operating 1,2,3 Magic – EYFS and KS1

*see appendix 2

In Lower School‘1, 2, 3, Magic’ is used:

  • The first incident of inappropriate / unacceptable behaviour will be given a count of one – “That’s one.”
  • Repetition of inappropriate / unacceptable behaviour is given a count of 2 – “That’s two.”
  • Further repetition of the inappropriate / unacceptable behaviour is given the count of 3 – “That’s three – time out.”


  • Time out takes place in a designated area.  Use a five minute timer.  At the end of the time out, the child re-joins the group
  • Any child refusing to accept ‘Time Out’ will automatically be referred to a senior leader
  • If a child hurts another child, ‘Time Out’ is given automatically, without going through the counting process
  • REMEMBER: 1,2,3 MAGIC addresses single incidents / behaviours.  It is an instant system and not one that spreads out through the day
  • Where a child has repeatedly got to 3 within a morning/afternoon, for the same behaviour, this should be recorded on Safeguard as ‘Behaviour Incident’ – senior leader will review further actions
  • This will be recorded on Safeguard
  • A phone call may be made to parents
  • The pupil may be removed from the classroom
  • A serious incident would result be escalated to a senior leader immediately e.g. seriously injuring another child, significantly damaging school property


Operating Breaking Our Golden Rules – KS2

*See appendix 3

In Upper School, Breaking our Golden Rules is used:

When a pupil’s behaviour falls below the standard that can reasonably be expected of them, staff will respond in order to restore a calm and safe learning environment, and to prevent recurrence of misbehaviour.

  • Whenever a child behaves in a way which is counter to the class ‘Golden Rules’ say nothing to the child, but write the name or initials on the board.  This is a warning to the child, and is usually enough to stop the behaviour
  • If the same child behaves inappropriately again during the day a cross is written next to their name for each time they misbehave.  The number of crosses determines the sanction to be applied.  Step 2 (5 lost minutes) takes place in the classroom with the class teacher.  Step 3 is an agreed consequence set by the class teacher. Step 4 is recorded on Safeguard and monitored by senior leaders
  • It is a good idea to keep a record of the times a child has his/her name on the board, as this is a useful record of behaviour patterns etc.
  • Each day every child starts with a ‘clean sheet’


Step 1                           Warning                                                                                          (Name is on board)

Step 2                           5 minutes reflection at playtime with class teacher              (Name plus 1 cross)

Step 3                           An agreed consequence (further details below)                    (Name plus 2 crosses)

Step 4                           Incident recorded and phone call may be made                    (Name plus 3 crosses)

                                      to parents/carers (further details below)              


Step 3 - Agreed Consequence:

Where missing 5 minutes of playtime does not achieve the desired change, a formal consequence is issued. The class teacher (if another member of staff, the class teacher should be consulted) should clearly explain why they have been given the consequence and how they would like them to change their behaviour. When giving behaviour sanctions, staff should also consider what support should be offered to the child to help them meet behaviour standards in the future. The consequence should be given on the same day where possible.  


As we appreciate that all children learn differently, the staff member and/or class teacher can decide a suitable consequence for the child (including SEND children), taking into account any additional needs the child may have e.g. children with ADHD should not miss playtimes. Acceptable consequences are: 


  • Having time out – in own, or another, classroom
  • Missing the next break time and completing missed work
  • Discussing incident and how this can be handled differently with another member of staff
  • Completing a reflective behaviour sheet or writing a sincere letter of apology
  • During break and lunch time sitting on the bench silently and having ‘time out’ 
  • Spending break time walking around with the ‘on-duty’ teacher
  • Loss of privileges e.g. a football ban for playtime, club responsibility
  • Litter picking
  • Restorative sanctions considered where appropriate

At step 3, behaviour and consequences should be dealt with by the class teacher.  Children who reach ‘stage 3’ repeatedly should have this logged as a ‘communication’ on Safeguard.


Step 4 – Record incident on Safeguard under ‘Behaviour Incident’

  • This will be recorded on Safeguard
  • A phone call may be made to parents
  • The pupil may be removed from the classroom
  • A serious incident would result be escalated to stage 4 immediately e.g. seriously injuring another child, significantly damaging school property



In EYFS, midday supervisors use positive praise and inform the child’s teacher to celebrate good behaviour.


In KS1 and 2, midday supervisors can award house points and in addition, select a ‘class of the week’ which is awarded on a Friday.


In Reception and KS1, midday supervisors use the 123 Magic strategy.  In KS2, midday supervisors liaise with class teacher if there are behaviour concerns.


Any serious incidents are reported to the head teacher, or head of lower or upper school.



Monitoring and Evaluation of Behaviour will be undertaken through the following activities:

  • Pupil interviews
  • Lesson observations
  • Break / Lunchtime observations
  • Professional dialogue with teaching staff

Appendix 1

Our 3 School Rules


Respect yourself

 Respect others

  Respect your surroundings


Appendix 2

Lower School - Sanctions



Appendix 3

Breaking Our ‘Golden Rules’


Operating the Names on the Board System.

Breaking Our Golden Rules


When people choose to break our ‘Golden Rules’

the following will happen on the board:


This means:


1. Name             Warning

2. Name  X         5 minutes reflection at   

                             playtime with the teacher  

3. Name  XX       An agreed consequence        

4. Name  XXX    (Incident recorded, and phone call may be made

                             to parents / carers)     
