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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Health and Safety Policy





Last reviewed :

September 2024

Next Review :

September 2025

Committee Responsible :

Finance, Risk, Audit and Personnel

Approved on :

September 2024

Approved by :

Governing Body






The Governing Body and Trustees of Barnby Road Academy will meet its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and other health and safety legislation to provide safe and healthy working conditions for employees, and to ensure that their work does not adversely affect the health and safety of other people such as pupils, students, visitors and contractors. Details of how this will be done are given in this health and safety statement.


The Governing Body and Trustees will ensure that effective consultation takes place with all employees on health and safety matters and that individuals are consulted before allocating particular health and safety functions to them.


Where necessary the Governing Body and Trustees will seek specialist advice to determine the risks to health and safety in the establishment and the precautions required to deal with them.


The Governing Body and Trustees will provide sufficient information and training in health and safety matters to all employees in respect to the risk to their health and safety.


The Governing Body and Trustees requires the support of all staff to enable the maintenance of high standards of health and safety in all the schools activities.


The school is committed to continually improving its health and safety performance.


This Statement includes a description of the establishment’s organisation and its arrangements for dealing with different areas of risk. Details of how these areas of risk will be addressed are given in the arrangements section.


Other sources of Health and Safety Information:-


  • NCC Health and Safety Manual
  • Education Visits Policy Documents
  • Legionella Log
  • Fire Log
  • Premises Manual
  • Schools Intranet Service ‘wired’. Health & Safety Community.




2.1     Responsibilities of the Governing Body & Trustees


The Governing Body and Trustees are responsible for:

  • Complying with the County Council’s Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements;
  • Formulating and ratifying the establishment’s Health and Safety Statement and health and safety plan;
  • Regularly reviewing health and safety arrangements regularly ( at least once annually ) and implementing new arrangements where necessary;
  • Ensuring that the site and premises is maintained in a safe condition and that appropriate funding is allocated to this end from the school’s delegated budget;
  • Ensuring that risk assessments are made and recorded of all the schools work activities including those off site which could constitute a significant risk to the health and safety of employees or other persons;
  • Ensuring that the statement and other relevant health and safety documentation from the LA is drawn to the attention of all employees;
  • Prioritising action on health and safety matters where resources are required from the establishment’s budget, seeking further advice where necessary and ensuring that action is taken;
  • Reporting to the LA  any hazards which the establishment is unable to rectify from its own budget;
  • Seeking specialist advice on health and safety which the establishment may not feel competent to deal with;
  • Promoting high standards of health and safety within the establishment;
  • Active and reactive monitoring health and safety matters within the school including health and safety inspection reports and accident reports;


2.2     Responsibilities of the Headteacher


The Headteacher is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the requirements of the Occupier’s Liability 1957/1984 are complied with.
  • The day to day management of health and safety matters in the establishment in accordance with the health and safety policy and ensuring the health and safety arrangements are carried out in practice;
  • Ensuring that risk assessments are made and recorded of all the schools work activities including those off site which could constitute a significant risk to the health and safety of employees or other persons;
  • Ensuring that termly health and safety inspections are carried out and a copy of the report is given to the Governors and that one is sent to the Schools Health and Safety Team;
  • Ensuring that remedial action is taken following health and safety inspections;
  • Ensuring that information received on health and safety matters is passed to the appropriate people;
  • Identifying staff health and safety training needs and arranging for them to be provided;
  • Attending the establishment’s health and safety committee;
  • Drawing up the establishments annual health and safety action plan;
  • Co-operating with and providing necessary facilities for trades union safety representative;
  • Participating in health and safety auditing arrangements and ensuring audit action plans are implemented;
  • Monitoring purchasing and maintenance of equipment and materials and ensuring that it complies with current health and safety standards;
  • Monitoring contractors and ensuring that only competent, approved contractors are engaged to work on the school site;
  • Seeking specialist advice on health and safety matters where appropriate;
  • Ensuring that a procedure is in place to deal safely with persons on the premises who may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Note: in the absence of the Headteacher these responsibilities fall to his/her immediate deputy.


2.3     Responsibilities of the Health and Safety Co-ordinator (must be a Senior Member of Staff)


Responsible to the Headteacher for:

  • Attending appropriate Health and Safety Training Courses to enable him/her to discharge his/her duties effectively;
  • Promoting health and safety matters throughout the school and assisting the Headteacher in the implementation of the County Council’s and School’s Health and Safety Procedures;
  • Ensuring that Health and Safety Manuals and associated Logs (fire, legionella etc) are kept up to date;
  • Ensuring that the Health and Safety Notice Board is kept up to date;
  • Ensuring that the correct accident reporting procedures are followed and that where appropriate accidents are investigated;
  • Arranging termly health and safety inspections and ensuring follow up action is completed and that completed reports are sent to the Health and Safety Team;
  • Ensuring appropriate procedures for authorisation of school visits is followed;
  • Participating in any Health and Safety Audits
  • Providing health and safety induction training for all staff;
  • Keeping staff health and safety training records up to date;
  • Ensuring that all statutory inspections are completed and records kept;
  • Ensuring that emergency drills and procedures are carried out regularly and monitored for effectiveness;
  • Monitoring contractors on site, inducting them in the schools site health & safety rules and ensuring they consult the asbestos log.


2.4       Subject Co-ordinators


Subject leads are responsible for:

  • The day to day management of health and safety within their department in accordance with the health and safety policy;
  • Drawing up and reviewing departmental policies, procedures and risk assessments regularly ( at least once annually );
  • Carrying out regular health and safety monitoring inspections of the department and making  reports to the headteacher where appropriate;
  • Ensuring follow up and remedial action is taken following health and safety inspections
  • Arranging for the appropriate subject specific health and safety training to be provided to all staff within the department;
  • Passing on health and safety information received to the appropriate people;
  • Acting on health and safety reports from above and below in the hierarchy


2.5     Responsibilities of all staff


All staff employed at Barnby Road Academy have responsibility to:

  • take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others when undertaking their work;
  • checking classrooms/work areas are safe;
  • checking equipment is safe before use;
  • ensuring safe working procedures are followed;
  • School governors, Trustees and headteacher on all matters relating to health and safety by complying with the health and safety policy;
  • not intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing any equipment or fittings provided in the interests of health safety and welfare;
  • reporting immediately to their Headteacher/Line Manager any serious or immediate danger;
  • reporting to their Headteacher/Line Manager any shortcomings in the arrangements for health and safety;
  • ensure that they only use equipment or machinery that they are competent to use or have been trained to use;
  • participating in health and safety inspections and the health and safety committee where appropriate.


