Our Nursery Team
We are very privileged here at Barnby Road Academy to have such an experienced, warm and welcoming team in our Nursery. They are ready to help settle your children and start them off on their learning journey at Barnby Road; ensuring they achieve their best.
Working in Nursery we have Mrs Goff, Miss McQuaid, Miss Pyke, Miss Hickman and Mrs Grant.
We have an open door policy and are happy to help if we can. If you have a concern or something that may need more attention, please arrange a time to talk to Mrs Goff.
This is Barnby Road Nursery.
Inspired by the Curiosity Approach these are just some the areas our children play in during their time with us. These areas are periodically enhanced and adapted to reflect the children's interests. We also may change areas to meet the need of the children.