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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’


Daily Challenge

Read, Write, Inc.

Please follow the RWI learning for your child's group. If you are unsure which learning to follow, please contact one of the Reception teachers.


Mrs Lane/Miss Tiller/Miss Grimwood/ Mrs Volichenko Whyte's Groups

Please spread these activities throughout the day, in short bursts.

Learning the sound ‘z’ – (12 mins)


Learning to blend – (7 mins)


Letter sound formation 'z'- see attached document.

Mrs Brian/Mrs Cove/Mrs Whyte's Groups

Please spread these activities throughout the day, in short bursts.

Reading the sound ‘oy’  – (10 mins)


Spelling with the sound ‘oy’ – ( 12 mins)


Ditty 15 - Pens 

Practice the speed sounds. 
Ask your child to read the green and red words.
Read the ditty.


Questions to talk about-

What is happening in the picture?

What do you like to draw with your pens?

Have you got different coloured pens?






We will be having a 'Zoom' meet up for the children learning at home today. Please click on the subpage below for more details. We can't wait to see lots of the children there!
