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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’


English at Barnby Road


Many of our children have poor speech and language skills as they start school. Our EYFS team have a focus on developing language and vocabulary through high quality interactions and specific intervention programmes. This is supplemented by language and literature rich learning for children across all curriculum areas, spanning the whole school. Reading is a priority at Barnby Road – both getting the children reading as soon as possible using the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme, and fostering a love of reading.


At Barnby Road, we ensure that our English provision enables children:

  • To experience English as a creative subject which enables them to think and express themselves clearly, and to develop interpersonal skills such as empathy and compassion.
  • To become fluent readers and writers, with all the skills and knowledge they need to express themselves and be literate throughout their lives.
  • To develop positive attitudes towards and confidence with language
  • Have a life-long enjoyment of reading and a love of books. This will allow them to succeed in education; it will improve their vocabulary and their ability to communicate clearly, inspire them creatively and bring them joy.


Teaching and learning for English comes directly from our Writing Progression Map. This outlines how the National Curriculum is taught in each year across the school, making the most of approved schemes as well as cross-curricular and local links. Our Reading Progression Map, together with our Barnby Road Reading Spine, sets out how children are taught crucial reading skills, through absorbing and enjoying a wide range of quality literature, both in English lessons and through our Reading for Pleasure sessions. Spelling is taught through the RWI Spelling scheme and we have a systematic approach to teaching handwriting through the Nelson Handwriting Scheme.


You can find out more about our phonics and reading provision on our dedicated page - Phonics and Reading at Barnby Road.
