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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Spring Term

Visit to Woolsthorpe Manor

In History this term, we have been learning about Isaac Newton and his groundbreaking discoveries. As part of our learning, we visited Woolsthorpe Manor. Woolsthorpe Manor is the birthplace of Isaac Newton and the place where he carried out much of his scientific work. At Woolsthorpe Manor we were given a tour of the old farmhouse, where we thought about what life must have been like for Isaac Newton in the 1600’s. We also thought more about his scientific discoveries linked with gravity and light and carried out our own scientific experiments. The staff at Woolsthorpe Manor also helped us to create our own aerodynamic rockets and test them using a special rocket launcher. We had a fantastic day extending our learning about Isaac Newton and his work.


World Book Day

Excitement buzzed in the air as Barnby Road celebrated World Book Day. This year, The Barnabus Project took center stage as our chosen book for Years 1-6. In Year 2 we designed and created our very own ‘Failed Projects’. Our classes transformed into creative hubs and we produced our ‘Failed Projects’ out of clay using skills we had developed earlier in the year. We then went on to construct an informative, yet creative non-chronological report all about our own ‘Failed Project’. The Year 2 corridor has become an exhibition space, showcasing the designing and making process alongside our imaginative writing inspired by a little mouse with a big dream.
