Friday 5th March
Lessons |
Home Learning Activities to complete: |
Maths |
Recap of the week Today there is no video for you to watch because we wanted to give you time to recap anything that you would like more time on from the four lessons this week.
There are three levels of worksheet linked above - have a look at them and decide which one you would like to have a go at.
Times Table Rockstars – 10 mins |
English |
Biography lesson 10 To edit a biography In this lesson, we will discuss what editing is and what an editor does. Then we will practise editing together. You will then edit your own writing.
Foundation Subject |
French: Today Madame Evans is going to take you through how to say your birthday in French. The lesson today is split into two videos.
There is no worksheet, Madame Evans explains your task on the video.
ICT: We have set you a 2do on Purple Mash - we would like you to use the 2 design and make tool to design your own 3D lunch box. You can choose any of the 3D shapes you like - remember to decorate all the sides of the box. |
Extra- Activities: |
Spellings (see website) – 10 mins Read Theory – login to access reading comprehension TTRS
Zoom meeting - 1:15 - Virtual awards!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 971 0727 9357 Passcode: xDceu4
Join us for our Year 5 awards and to hear news from some Year 5 children.
Daily Reading |
Keep reading! Spend some time each day, curled up with a good book! |