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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Home Learning Guidance - Years 3

Year 3 Online Learning – Spring 2

Welcome to the Year 3 online learning page. We have put together a package of lessons each day that is in line with our existing plans for this half term; this way we hope the children will continue to make progress. Each lesson’s format is similar to what the children are used to receiving in the classroom so they will have a familiar feel to them.


Each week we will post a timetable of the lessons for the week along with the learning objectives.


Lesson resources for each day can be found in the day of the week sub-pages further down this page. Lesson input will be a video and then there will then be follow up tasks which will be set as 2Dos on Purple Mash.

  • Our lessons are progressive and each one builds upon the knowledge learnt and skills developed from the previous day, so please try to ensure that they are completed in order.
  • 2Dos will set as per the day on the timetable but will be available until Saturday that week.

Y3 Blog

 The blog will be monitored between the hours of 8.30am and 3pm and you can post any questions you have and we will respond.

Another way to contact us is by email, currently Mrs Young and Mrs Wyatt are on home learning:


We would much rather be in the classroom with the children but until we can be back together know that you have our support and you are doing a great job!


Mrs Gore, Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Young


Click on ‘Free e-book library’ to access lots of banded reading books. You can search for your child’s reading band colour to find appropriate books for them to read at home. Remember that we encourage children to re-read books more than once to develop their fluency. Reading of e-books can be recorded in your child’s reading diary. The Oxford Owl website also has lots of free learning games you may want your child to access.

Class Username Password
Beech barnbybeech beechclass
Oak barnbyoak oakclass
Willow barnbywillow willowclass


Daily Lesson Resources