Lessons |
Home Learning Activities to complete: |
Maths |
Measurement: Follow the link to see Miss Jones' Maths lesson: https://barnbyroad.primarysite.media/media/maths-tuesday-2nd-march |
RWI/English |
Look at the subpages below for your child’s RWI group or English lesson. Your child should know which group they are, but please contact us if you are unsure which learning to follow. |
Foundation Subject |
Topic: Follow the link to find Miss Barker's Topic lesson looking at the weather https://barnbyroad.primarysite.media/media/topic-tuesday-2nd-march |
Extra- Activities: |
Tunes Tuesday: Follow this link and have a sing-a-long to the usual songs we would sing in school with Mr Higgins. |
Story Time |
Sit back, relax and enjoy a story with Mrs. Finlay: https://barnbyroad.primarysite.media/media/story-time-tuesday-2nd-march | ||||||||||||||||||
Daily Reading |
Use the Oxford Owl log-in details below to access some electronic reading books at your child’s level. We ask that your child read for 10 minutes per day. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/