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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

SEND Information

SEND Information Report


Last Reviewed:September 2024Next Review:September 2025


“All the teachers that have taught me over the years have done one thing to help me. They have made me feel special! One teacher gave me brain breaks which made me feel good! All the teachers help me!”  - Year 3 pupil (September 2022) 


The Coordinator for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENCO) for Barnby Road Academy is Mrs Yvette Young -


Our Welfare Manager, Mrs Sam Oliver, is also a key member of the SEN Team -


1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school make provision for?


Barnby Road Academy caters for a wide range of Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and medical needs.

These include autism, dyslexia, ADHD, learning difficulties, physical difficulties such as Cerebral Palsy, Visual Impairment, Speech and Language delay and Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. 

Working closely with parents and professionals, we will always seek to teach every child so they can achieve his or her best. We also have a small number of children who have complex needs who have an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP).


2. How does the school know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?


If a child is transferring from a different setting, the school will be informed and a process put in place to ensure successful transition. Often we will identify him or her through a clinical diagnosis that may be ongoing like Autism or through our own observations and assessment such as identifying Dyslexia.


The progress of every child is carefully tracked. Any concerns raised through assessments or professional observations will discussed with the parent by the class teacher. Similarly a parent with concerns about their child should initially speak to their child’s class teacher who will stay in contact with the parent whilst looking into those concerns. The class teacher will discuss, decide and record an action plan along with the SENCO. This will then be reviewed as regularly as required.


3. a) How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with special educational needs?


The class teacher closely monitors the progress, achievements and overall well-being of every child in their class. In addition to this, the SENCO liaises with the class teacher to monitor the progress of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Where appropriate Individual Education Plans will be developed with SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) that will seek to raise expectations and achievements for that child. Targets are set and reviewed together with the family to ensure that support is provided in all areas of need. Children who have an Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP) are also reviewed annually, in conjunction with the different agencies, to ensure we are supporting each child's individual needs. 


Any interventions carried out to support a child are carefully tracked and monitored to ensure that they are having the required positive impact. Regular reports are provided to governors who oversee the progress of children.


b) How will both the school and I know how my child is doing and how will the school help me to support their learning?


All children at Barnby Road are set ambitious yet achievable targets in all areas of their learning. Throughout the year there are Parents Evenings and the end of year reports. Where a child has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) they are reviewed each term but all teachers are happy to talk to parents about their child and additional meetings can be arranged at mutual convenience. Meetings can include the SENCO and this can also be arranged through the class teacher. These review meetings will discuss the children's individual targets and the progress they are making towards them. 


Sam Oliver who is the Safeguarding and Welfare manager is also available to discuss any concerns a parent has about their child, whether or not they presently have a recognised learning need or disability.


There are also meetings for all parents about the best ways to support their child when they begin to read and write using the Read, Write Inc. approach. In addition to this, class teachers will offer their suggestions for individual children should they require something more specific to their learning needs/style across the curriculum.


c) What is the school’s approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs?


At Barnby Road Academy, we believe in high quality first teaching; we seek to deliver a broad, balanced, engaging and fully inclusive curriculum so that all children are given the opportunity to reach their potential and see themselves as learners. Appropriate interventions are put into place for any child, with or without special educational needs, who is not making expected progress. These interventions will be short and specifically targeted to their gaps in their education. 


We support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities by providing specifically prepared learning materials and the use of appropriate ICT equipment. Children are taught with Teaching Assistant support in whole class situations, small groups and on a one to one basis.


Specialist equipment and resources are used when requested by specialists and training undertaken by staff. Makaton sign language and assisted communication are used along with adjusted materials for children who need it.


There is a graduated response to a child’s needs depending on the complexity of the need; outside support and expertise is sought from external agencies available by the SENCO attending a multiagency meeting called Springboard that are held throughout the year.


Parents and carers are consulted about all choices that are made concerning their child.


d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched and adapted to my child’s needs?


Every class teacher is responsible for the learning in their classroom; the delivery of the curriculum is differentiated to cater for the varying abilities and learning styles of the children in the class. The approach to teaching children with special educational needs and disabilities listed above is employed when the needs of a child is outside the regular parameters seen within a class. The curriculum will be adapted using a variety of different approaches appropriate for each child. 


Adaptive and inclusive teaching are at the fore of our curriculum. The curriculum is ambitious for all children and builds upon their previous knowledge. Adapting lessons, whilst maintaining high expectations for all, so that all pupils have the opportunity to meet expectations. At Barnby Road Academy teachers will use teaching assistants to support their delivery of high quality first teaching.  Teachers will use individual or small group support within lessons to scaffold or stretch the learning of all children within their class.


e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child will receive?


All decisions about the type and amount of support that children receive will be an ongoing collaboration between the child, parent, class teacher, SENCO, outside agencies, Senior Leadership Team, Head Teacher and Governors. Working closely with parents and professionals, we will always seek to teach every child so they can achieve his or her best; the type and level of support remains fluid depending on the specific needs of the child at any particular time.


If the needs and required provision meets the criteria for additional funding from an outside source, a bid for that funding will be written by the SENCO to further aid the support for that individual child. 


f) How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?


All children are included in school activities and trips. Where children have additional needs, we do a specific risk assessment and ensure adequate support is put in place for a safe and successful trip for all.


g) What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?


The adults that work in Barnby Road strive to foster very positive relationships with the children. The children are encouraged to discuss any issues they have, whether educational or social, with their class teacher or another adult.

A range of interventions aimed at building emotional resilience are offered by trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) and can been accessed by children who might need some extra support. We also have support from a trained counsellor three days a week. The Healthy Families Team is also available to provide information about different opportunities available in the locality.


Sam Oliver, the school’s Welfare Manager, is available to make referrals to outside agencies such as CAMHS, MHST, Children’s Centre and Early Help.


Barnby Road also offers parenting classes and support with behavioural difficulties that are seen in the home.


4. Who is the school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and what are their contact details?


SENCO Mrs Yvette Young –  01636 683900

Safeguarding and Welfare Manager Mrs Sam Oliver –  01636 683900


5. a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?


The SENCO receives training from various local and national providers on a wide range of conditions such as Autism, Dyslexia etc. This training is then delivered to the school staff in staff meetings, key stage meetings or individual coaching when the need arises.


The SENCO, class teachers, Teaching Assistants, other staff and governors also access training to learn how to support children with specific needs such as Downs Syndrome, Autism and Diabetes.


All school staff have had training on creating an environment to promote good emotional well-being. Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) and a trained counsellor are available to work with children should the need arise.


b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?


If, once the progress of a child has been monitored and strategies discussed with parents, it is considered that additional expertise is desirable then these outside specialist services can be accessed by the SENCO through the termly multiagency Springboard meetings. Signed parental permission forms are required so that the child can be discussed and additional services can be accessed to support the child. The school has access to a wide field of additional services e.g. early years specialist, visual and hearing support, diabetic nurse, occupational therapist, school nurse.


6. How will equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs be secured? How accessible is the school?


The school provides any appropriate equipment and facilities that a child with special educational needs or disability may need. This equipment will have been identified by an outside agency as required by the child, in order for them to best access their learning.


As a new building the school has good access; for more detail please refer to the Access Plan on the school website.


7. What are the arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with special educational needs? How will I be involved in the education of my child?


Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s class teacher with any questions or concerns; these meetings can be informal or arranged. In addition to parents evenings that occur twice a year, additional meetings are held to discuss targets and achievements in the Individual Education Plans. The SENCO will attend meetings for children with more complex needs or whenever the class teacher or parent requests attendance.


Parents can make an appointment to see the SENCO or Welfare Manager by emailing the addresses above. For a child to reach his or her potential, it is important for the parents to be fully involved.


8. What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?


Children are involved with their target setting as far as their understanding will allow. Children can attend meetings if it felt appropriate by the teacher and parent. If they are not able to be involved in their target setting, their voice is still heard with what they feel they enjoy, dislike, need help with and are good at. In order to encourage motivation in a child, a teacher will get to know them so they can tailor the provision in school to meet their learning style and interests.


The pupil council ensures that the children have a correct representation. 


9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEN provision made by the school?


Parents are encouraged to bring any concerns to the attention of the class teacher. The SENCO may also be contacted (contact details above). For more detailed information please refer to the complaints policy on the school website.


10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in the meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and supporting the families of such pupils?


The SENCO and Welfare Manager involve other organisations and services and are part of the Senior Management Team; the SENCO also reports to the governor with specific responsibility for Special Needs. Governors can see data informing them of the progress made by children with additional needs, in order that for them to ask questions to ensure that all children’s needs are being met.


11. How does the school seek to signpost organisations, services etc. who can provide additional support to parents/carers/children?


The SENCO and Welfare Manager can signpost parents to the wide range of support organisations and groups available in the community. The SENCO can also access the professionals that can offer the specific support required for a child’s needs; either to work directly with the child or to offer advice to parents or staff.


12. How will the school/setting prepare my child/young person to:


i) Join the school?

Barnby Road works hard to ensure that children have a smooth transition into the school. Home visits, in Nursery and Reception, to meet the child and parents/carers in their own surroundings is routine. The school works closely with parents, previous setting and any outside agencies involved with children who enter with a recognised need and we seek to do all we can to meet the need in the setting from the day they arrive. Any adjustments from that point will be completed quickly to ensure that the child can access their education effectively; their well-being is paramount.


ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. early years to primary, primary to secondary etc)?

Barnby Road understands the importance of carefully considered transition plans for children with additional needs. In any transfer the important element is communication.  Information about the child and how they learn best is communicated so the professionals that will be teaching the child have the opportunity to ask questions.


The amount and nature of the visits to the new setting is decided with the child at the centre of the process; each of these transitions seeks to predict possible issues that may arise and to pre-empt, as many as possible, so that the pupil feels equipped to begin the next part of their journey.


iii) Prepare for adulthood and independent living?

Barnby Road works hard to encourage independence and confidence in all children. Various life skills are introduced; questioning, independent thought is fostered through positive relationships and a safe environment to learn and explore their relationship with the wider world. We have high expectations and aspirations for all children and will support them to achieve their potential and transition to the next phase of education, ensuring they have high expectations of what they will achieve in the future. 


13. Where can I access further information?


For further information please refer to the school website. Please contact the school office if you would like a copy of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy. To have specific questions or concerns answered please contact the SENCO or Welfare Manager on the above email addresses, speak to your child’s class teacher or ring the school on 01636 683900 to make an appointment with any member of staff.


To find other services which cater for children with additional needs on the Nottinghamshire local offer page:

