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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’


Maths at Barnby Road


At Barnby Road, we will ensure that our mathematics provision enables children:


  • to have an ever increasing mathematical fluency, the ability to reason through their thinking and use their skills and understanding to solve problems.
  • to develop a positive attitude to Mathematics as an interesting and useful subject that will be relevant to them in their working and adult lives.
  • to experience Mathematics as a creative activity in which they can be fully involved and derive pleasure and enjoyment, developing the ability to think clearly and logically with confidence, independent thought and flexibility of mind.
  • to develop resilience in Mathematics through sustained work which requires perseverance and develops the ability to choose methods and strategies to solve problems.


Children are taught the National Curriculum using the ‘mastery’ approach where there are high expectations of all children and classes are taught as a whole, spending longer on a concept so that learning can go deeper and be sustained. Carefully crafted lessons consider misconceptions children may have as well as contexts for their learning. The White Rose scheme forms the core of this. The whole class is taught the same small step, the next step is for everyone. Children work in mixed ability pairs with mathematical talk and the ability to reason at the heart of the lesson. Everyone has access to a range of resources that support conceptual understanding in order to move from concrete to pictorial and through to abstract.


Mathematics at Barnby Road will ensure that pupils make progress through each year group, acquiring and applying key knowledge, so that they at least meet the agreed age expectations and develop a lifelong passion about mathematics.


This is achieved by:

  • securing high quality teaching for all children
  • teaching one small step of learning at a time
  • ensuring that planning broadly follows the blocks and steps in White Rose
  • the effective use of resources (including adult support and interventions).

