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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Spring Term

Welcome to the Spring term in Year 5!


This term, we will be studying 'Greece: Ancient and Modern'. We will be exploring what the country of Greece is like today and carry out mapwork and research. When looking at Ancient Greece, we will be investigating what everyday life was like during this period and reflecting on how this has influenced drama, words and other aspects of life today. DT will complement this study with a Greek salad make and Greek food tasting. 


In art, we will be exploring our emotions to produce emotive pieces of art, before creating ourselves out of clay.


We will be reading the text, 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom', as our class story.


Visit this page to see photos and work we have been doing in class and on our visits.

Avon exploring day and night and the seasons in Science.
