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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Volunteer and Visitor Information




Welcome to Barnby Road Academy. We hope you will enjoy your time at our school. Our main priority is to ensure that everyone who visits or volunteers is aware of their responsibilities towards making sure all young people are safe.     

Please take a minute to read through this information sheet. Barnby Road Academy is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare. It expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment. All visitors, including contractors have a duty to act if there is any reason to suspect that a child has suffered, or is likely to suffer significant harm.




· Please ensure you are aware of the school’s Safeguarding Procedures including safer working practices, confidentiality and emergency procedures.

· Before helping in school, all adults will have undertaken a DBS check appropriate to their role and will be asked to agree their acceptance of school polices at induction.

· Volunteers/adults are reminded that they may not support/help a child in isolation as a matter of safety for all.

· Please do not exchange personal contact details with a pupil or arrange to meet them outside of the school environment.

· The member of staff you are working with will be responsible for sharing other procedures and additional information specific to the context in which you will work.

· All matters relating to school should remain confidential.




If a child discloses information about significant harm you should:

· Listen

· Tell the child that you need to tell someone else – you cannot promise confidentiality

· Make accurate notes of what has been said and pass this immediately to a DSL

The names of our Designated Safeguarding Leads can be found on the posters around school or please ask a member of the office staff.

We follow the local Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Procedures.

All visitors and contractors coming in to the school must report and sign in at the School Office. By signing in and out you are agreeing to follow the advice within this leaflet. A visitors badge must be worn at all times while on the school premises. Proof of identification and/or evidence of DBS may be sought.




Fire & Evacuation

· If you hear the fire alarm you must leave the building by the nearest exit.

· The fire assembly point is on the front playground.

· You must not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.

· If you discover a fire please immediately press the nearest fire alarm button and tell a member of staff.


Our Safeguarding Policy can be found on the school website under Safeguarding Policies
