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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Autumn Term

The Twinkly Nativity 


This half term, the Year 2 children have worked incredibly hard, learning their lines, practicing their dances, and rehearsing their songs for their performance of The Twinkly Nativity. Both performances were a huge success and the children truly dazzled the audience with their amazing efforts.

Please have a listen to Year 2 singing, 'Wear a poppy today' ahead of remembrance next week.

In RE, we have been learning about Christianity and the theme of belonging. As part of our learning, we visited St Mary Magdalene Church. Reverend Chris taught us all about the church and took us on a tour inside. He then told us about how Christians have a sense of belonging when they are together in Church through things like singing and praying together, or sharing readings from the bible.

In DT this term, we made dips and dippers. We firstly tasted a range of different dips to research which ones we liked and which ones we didn't. Following that, we designed our own dip and planned out the ingredients and tools we would need to make them. Then it was time to get cooking! We washed our hands, rolled up our sleeves and got to chopping and mixing. After all our hard work, we enjoyed tasting the dips and dippers that we prepared. We even thought they were better than those from the supermarket!


In art this term, we have been learning how to make pinch pots out of clay. First, we researched some existing clay pots made by other artists and reflected on what we liked and what we wished was different. We then designed our own pots before getting stuck in with making! We had to learn different techniques to make the pots including rolling, pinching and smoothing. We then used the clay tools to draw in some lines and patterns. After they were dry, we got to paint them, mixing our own colours and creating tones and shades. We are very proud of the final results.
