Science at Barnby Road
At Barnby Road we will ensure our science has a practical theme which inspires life-long learning and encourages the children to develop their own questions and answers about the world. Science is taught with links to our local environment inspiring the children to take pride in their locality. Therefore, at Barnby Road we fit science to the child, not the child to science.
In science our content follows the National Curriculum and we ensure a balance between content and working scientifically. We aim to develop resilience in the process of asking questions, experimenting and using this to further their knowledge and understand about the world.
Science at Barnby Road will ensure that pupils make progress through each year group, acquiring and applying key knowledge, so that they at least meet the agreed age expectations in this subject. We endeavour to ensure that our Science curriculum will give children the confidence and motivation to continue to further develop their knowledge and skills into the next stage of their education… and beyond.