Safeguarding and Welfare at Barnby Road
At Barnby Road Academy we are committed to keeping all our children safe.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
All our staff have up to date safeguarding training and are aware of all relevant safeguarding policies and documents including our Early Help Offer. We complete two annual safeguarding audits with our safeguarding governor. In these audits we look at everything, from staff training to policies and how we make sure our records are well kept and up to date. These audits are signed off by our Chair of Governors and a record of completion is also sent to the Nottinghamshire Local Safeguarding Partnership.
We use an online system for recording concerns about the welfare and safety of our children. This system is called 'Safeguard' and is a secure, online system which allows us to track safeguarding concerns, early help issues, attendance and behaviour.
We use the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership pathways to make safeguarding and early help referrals; we offer a range of support and intervention within school which can be found within our Early Help Offer.
We will always have open and honest discussions with parents, carers and children regarding safeguarding concerns unless to do so would place the child at risk of further significant harm. In some cases we will be required to make a referral to social care without informing parents/carers before the referral is made. We will always support parents/carers sensitively in these situations and give full details of the referral as soon as possible, following the advice of social care.
Our school works hard to ensure all our children are safe and happy. We have a trained counsellor/therapist who works with children in school to enhance their emotional health. We adopt a three tier approach to positive mental health which can be viewed in the emotional health section.
We encourage children to share any worries they may have at school or at home. Supported listening slips are available for children to self-refer if they would like to talk to our ELSA during the school day about any issue or concern they may have.
If you have any concerns please contact Sam Oliver on or on 07981 1626714.
You can also contact Nottinghamshire Social Care directly on 0300 500 80 80 or, outside of normal hours, the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546.