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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

CCTV Policy

CCTV Policy


Last Reviewed:September 2024Next Review:September 2025
Committee Responsibility:Finance, Audit, Risk and PersonnelApproved on:          September 2024  
Approved By:Trustees and Governing 


Barnby Road Academy uses closed circuit television (CCTV) images for the prevention, identification and reduction of crime and to monitor the school buildings in order to provide a safe and secure environment for pupils, staff and visitors, and to prevent the loss or damage to school property.


CCTV surveillance at the school is intended for the purposes of:

  • Protecting the school buildings and school assets after school hours
  • Reducing the incident of crime and anti-social behaviour (including theft and vandalism)
  • Supporting the police in a bid to deter and detect crime
  • Assisting in identifying, apprehending and prosecuting offenders


The system comprises of 21 (twenty-one) fixed external cameras around the school site.


The system is owned and operated by the school and the deployment of which is determined by the SLT. The CCTV is a standalone system.


The CCTV is monitored centrally from the school office by the Senior Leadership Team and the Site Manager.

The use of the CCTV system will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner and any diversion of the use of CCTV security technologies for other purposes is prohibited by this policy. e.g. CCTV will not be used for monitoring employee performance.


Justification for use of CCTV

The use of CCTV for security purposes has been deemed to be justified by the SLT and the Governing Body. The system is intended to capture images/video footage of intruders or of individuals damaging property or removing goods without authorization or of anti-social behaviour.


Location of Cameras

Cameras will be sited so they only capture images relevant to the purposes for which they are installed and care will be taken to ensure that reasonable privacy expectations are not violated.


The school will ensure that the location of the equipment is carefully considered to ensure that images captured comply with the Data Protection Act.


CCTV will not be used internally within the school.


CCTV Video Monitoring and Recording of Public Areas may take place for the following purposes:

  • Protection of the school buildings and property; the buildings perimeters, entrances and exits, office locations, receiving areas for goods/services
  • Monitoring of Access Control Systems; monitor and record restricted access areas and entrances to the building and other areas
  • Verification of Security Alarms; intrusion alarms; exit door controls; external alarms
  • Video Patrol of Parking areas; main entrance/exit gates
  • Criminal investigation (carried out by the police) Robbery, burglary and theft surveillance



A copy of this CCTV policy will be made available on the school website.

There will be adequate signage on the school site indicating that CCTV is in operation at the school.


Storage and Retention

The images captured by the CCTV system will be retained for a set period of time. However, the recordings are on a continuous loop and are dependent on the amount of recording usage on each camera.


Access will be restricted to the SLT and Site Manager.


In certain circumstances, the recording may be viewed by other individuals in order to achieve the objectives set out above. When CCTV recordings are being viewed, access will be limited to authorised individuals on a need-to-know basis.



Recorded footage and the monitoring equipment will be stored securely. The screen will be switched to standby when the office is not used, with a security code needed to access the screens.


In relevant circumstances CCTV footage may be accessed:


  • By the Police where Barnby Road Academy are required by law to make a report regarding the commission of a suspected crime; or
  • Following a request by the police when a crime, suspected crime or incident has taken place and/or when it is suspected that illegal/anti-social behaviour is taking place on the school’s property
  • To the school insurance company where the insurance company requires the footage in order to pursue a claim for damage caused to the school property.


All other access must be authorised by the SLT, prior to any viewing of the CCTV.


Subject Access Requests

Individuals have the right to request access to CCTV footage relating to themselves under the Data Protection Act.

Individuals submitting requests for access will be asked to provide sufficient information relating to them to be identified, for example date, time, location.


The school will respond to requests within 30 calendar days of receiving the request, in line with the school data protection policy.


The school reserves the right to refuse access to CCTV footage where this would prejudice the legal rights of other individuals or jeopardise an on-going investigation.


In giving a person a copy of their data, the school provide a still/series of still pictures with relevant images. However, other images of individuals will be obscured before the data is released.


Where footage contains images relating to 3rd parties, the school will take appropriate steps to mask and protect the identities of those individuals.



All complaints and enquiries about the operation of CCTV should be directed to the Head Teacher in the first instance. Contact can be made via the school office.
