A massive well done to all of our year 5 & 6 children who have recently taken their grade 1 and 2 ABRSM music exams. The children all performed brilliantly and there were some excellent results with them all passing and some children achieving distinctions. The children are listed below:
Violin grade 1
Abby-Faith Baker
Freya Britten
Ellie Mai Daubney
Millie Holmes
Frankie Ward
Holly Wilkinson
Trombone Grade 1
Thomas Carter
Cornet Grade 1
Ruby Tilford
Saxophone Grade 1
Sam Greeley
Flute Grade 1
Millie Holmes
Violin Grade 2
Finlay Cantwell
Flute Grade 2
Elizabeth Gibson
Cello Grade 2
Holly Hunt
Esme Nicholson
Joshua Mee