School Improvement Plan Priority Catch up provision
Governors Monitoring Strand:
Finance, Audit & Personnel committee |
Lead Staff: Steven Chamberlain Dave Webster Anna Woolridge
Barnby Road Academy Aim: "To be a school where everyone is able to achieve their best. A place where academic, creative and sporting potential flourishes in a friendly, safe and attractive environment."
Total cost for Objective:
Key objective: To utilise the catch up premium effectively |
Tasks, Steps or Actions |
Lead Staff |
How |
When |
Outcomes |
Evaluation and reporting. |
Part 1 – Register for Nuffield Early Language Intervention and manage the implementation if we are successful |
Cost = No cost |
AW |
AW to register online and be prepared to put a plan together if we are successful in being placed on the programme. |
End of September 2020 |
Registration completed and plan ready to go. |
Part 2 – Employment of TA from October half term to July 2021 |
Cost = £13 394 |
1. TA to be approached regarding full time employment from Oct half term to July 2021
2. Timetable established regarding cover and intervention support from October half term for all school year groups.
3. Class teachers to closely review the levels of the children and carry out a formalised assessment week at the end of September to inform catch up need.
4. Impact of extra catch up provision closely monitored and used to feed into more extensive support in the summer term.
All CT
SC to meet with TA and discuss appointment
DW/AW to liaise with year group teachers and establish a clear timetable involving TA supporting classes or covering lessons to free up staff to work with identified children.
In class assessment strategies and formalised testing for KS2 during last week of September.
Identified staff to monitor performance data of identified children to allow close monitoring of the catch up provision. |
September 2020
By October half term
By October half term
April 2021 |
Extra member of staff to support with catch up from October half term.
Extra support for children through TA or by their usual class teacher.
Clear understanding of the needs of the children and where targeted catch up is required.
Impact measured to prove effectiveness and where more catch up is required. |
Part 3 – Summer term intervention programme using 3 x teachers, once they come back from maternity leave |
Cost = £42 417 |
1. SC/CB to liaise with returning teachers regarding their intentions on returning from maternity leave and when this will return is likely to be.
2. Timetable established regarding intervention support during the Summer term utilising the availability of returning teachers.
3. Impact of extra catch up provision closely monitored and used to give progression calculations at the end of the year.
Contact to be made informally to discuss their intentions and formally organised when timescales allow.
Once timescales are confirmed AW/DW to put together an intervention programme utilising the days in which returning teachers are working.
Identified staff to monitor performance data of identified children to allow close monitoring of the catch up provision. |
End of Autumn term.
End of Spring term
End of school year |
Time period staff are available for interventions established.
Excellent intervention support delivered by existing teachers and using current teachers with appropriate cover.
Children given opportunity to catch up effectively and impact on their learning of Covid-19 is minimal.
Part 4 – Sign up for RWInc virtual classroom facility |
Cost = £2 430 |
1. AW to investigate the cost of accessing the extra virtual classroom facility through RWInc.
2. If cost is reasonably priced subscription to be made and training & support disseminated to the staff.
AW/ CB |
Contact made to ask about costings and whether we could access the annual subscription.
Cost evaluated and then if acceptable training/support programme established. |
Sep 2020
Sep 2020 |
Cost & details established
Staff supported with RWInc delivery and training for new staff members available. |
Part 5 – Year 6 extra Booster intervention |
Cost = £500 |
1. Year 6 children carefully assessed in English through work scrutiny, classroom observation and assessments.
MB & Y6
MB to support Y6 team to ensure children who have fell significantly behind are identified.
Oct/Nov 2020
Clear outline of children requiring further English support.
2. Specialist small group intervention set up for 2 afternoons per week over a period of 4 weeks.
Tutor timetabled to come in and offer extensive support for identified children.
Nov/Dec 2020
Children given support to help catch up in specific areas of English.