EYFS (Nursery and Reception)

What ‘remote learning’ can I expect if my child is not able to attend school due to COVID-19?
This information is to be used as a general guide. Further details of remote learning will be available when it is required. We aim to implement remote learning from your child’s second day of absence. The general links for home learning on our school website should be used until specific learning is set for your child.
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office for support.
Remote learning
My child (and their siblings if they are also attending Barnby Road) is absent because they are awaiting test results and our household is required to self-isolate. The rest of their school bubble are attending school and being taught as normal.
All information about home learning for individual cases will be sent via Tapestry/Email.
- Play activities/learning tasks – As your child predominantly learns through play at school, we will use Tapestry to set daily tasks using things you will have at home. These will be linked to the learning taking place in school, where appropriate.
- Sharing stories/singing songs – Please share at least one story with your child every day. Stories and songs take place daily at school and are key to your child’s language development.
- YR RWI sessions/tasks – Links to video lessons of RWI following on/mirroring the sounds being taught in school will be sent home via email for children in Reception. Reading should also take place daily. Oxford Owl e-books could be used for this.
- Communication with the class teacher – Tapestry/staff emails can be used for communication and to discuss your child’s learning at home. Teachers will check this daily.
My child’s whole bubble is not permitted to attend school because they, or another member of their bubble, have tested positive for Covid-19.
We enter another ‘lockdown’ with total school closure.
Tapestry and the school website year group home learning pages will be updated with a clear daily/weekly timetable. Links and activities for will be available here.
- Play activities/learning tasks – As your child predominantly learns through play at school, we will use Tapestry/our website to set daily tasks using things you will have at home. These will cover all areas of learning e.g. physical development, mathematical development, expressive art and design.
- Sharing stories/singing songs – Please share at least one story with your child every day. Stories and songs take place daily at school and are key to your child’s language development. Staff will also add videos of story/singing sessions to Tapestry/our website throughout the week for you to share with your child.
- YR RWI sessions/tasks – Links to daily video lessons of RWI following on/mirroring the sounds that would have been taught in school will be added to Tapestry/our school website. Reading should also take place daily for 5-10 minutes. Oxford Owl e-books could be used for this.
- Communication with the class teacher – Tapestry/staff emails can be used for communication and to discuss your child’s learning at home. Teachers will check this throughout the day.