As you will be aware, we have refocussed our home learning away from Purple Mash and more towards Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize, as well as keeping the learning going for MyMaths and TTRS/Numbots. Each year group is also providing a fortnightly home learning grid with guidance on spelling, handwriting, reading and topic activities. A teacher will also be monitoring the Purple Mash blog/Tapestry on a daily, often twice daily, basis; they are really keen to hear from your child, or you, about the learning, or just to simply keep in touch and answer any queries.
We understand that some parents and children are missing the Purple Mash activities. Our dilemma is that we now have most teaching staff in school, teaching the 'bubbles' of children, as directed by the government. We now only have a small number of staff available to run our home learning. For this reason the government have actively promoted the excellent BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy to support home learning, as the majority of teaching staff are needed in school. The level of home learning set and marked by teachers can never match the amount set prior to our wider opening on June 1st. We wish we could offer more.
Please encourage your children to check the blog daily and keep up with their learning tasks, both online and from their year group grid. Also remember, involving children in the daily routines and running of a house and garden are good learning opportunities.