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Barnby Road Academy

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Parents/carers of Reception, Year 1 and some Year 2 children - Read Write Inc. Resources

Read, Write, Inc. are releasing daily phonics videos for children to practise their sound knowledge. They have also released lots of other resources on the Oxford Owl website e.g. free e-books, speed sound practice sheets, speedy green word slideshows and ditty sheets.


Please use the following as a general guide as to which resources will be most useful for your child:


-Set 1 and 2 speed sound video lessons 
-Set 1 and 2 speed sound practice sheets
-Ditty sheets 
-Speedy green slideshows for red, green and purple storybooks
-RWI e-books - red, green and purple stories.


Year 1 (and Year 2 children still accessing RWI):
-Set 2 and 3 speed sound video lessons 
-Set 2 and 3 speed sound practice sheets
-Speedy green word slideshows for pink, orange, yellow, blue and grey storybooks
-RWI e-books - pink, orange, yellow, blue and grey storybooks (your child should be able to tell you their RWI group colour)


These all follow the scheme we use in school and the children will be familiar with these resources. We highly recommend using these at home whilst school is closed to continue the children's phonic learning.


Oxford Owl RWI resources
