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Barnby Road Academy

‘Where everyone is able to achieve their best’

Staff Complete 2014 Curriculum Topic Plans

If you go to your child's class pages you can view next year's Cross curricular topic overviews which are adjusted and modified to meet the Governments new National Curriculum in 2014. Our new format has been adopted by all year groups so that parents can get a great generic overview. These topics are largely History, Science or Geography based. Separate Numeracy ,Literacy, RE,PE coverage will follow as we prepare to meet the demands of the new national Curriculum. Staff are working hard and long hours to furnish the children with the best opportunities within and without the new national curriculum. Mrs Linford lead a full INSET day to launch our new Maths national curriculum last month and our staff meetings are currently all about maths. Next term the staff move on to the really big one "Literacy". By July 2014 we will have planning in all our new curriculum planning areas "teacher ready" . Our new MFL to replace Spanish will be French!


                                              NEVER BUSIER, GETTING READY FOR YOUR CHILDREN !
