11th May 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Survey Regarding After-school Provision
Firstly, thank you to you all for completing the survey sent out with the newsletter at the beginning of term. It has been lovely to read so many compliments about our school and all the staff. We value all the comments and look closely at any survey we send out to see where we can make any improvements. The latest survey highlighted the lack of after school provision.
This is something that has been on our radar for a long time, looking at whether we could find a dedicated space to enable us to give you this provision. With so many comments and an obvious need, we are committing to establishing an after-school club starting in September 2021. In order for us to do this, we need to know how many children would be using the provision along with how many times a week. This will ensure that the provision meets the needs of the children. It will also enable us to ensure that the staffing ratios are correct.
To help with this, we have prepared a short survey that we need you to complete as soon as possible. Along with the questions, there is a chance to put other comments. If you feel that you need to give us more information, or there is something you feel we have missed out in the survey that we should be made aware of, please let us know. You can access the survey here - https://forms.gle/ViVGKV1DknYHbaNJ6 .
We are looking at charging £7.00 for the whole session with a reduction of £1.00 for any siblings also attending. We are not sure whether the provision will be staffed by the school, or whether it will be an outside provider that we use.
We look forward to all the replies and will keep you informed as soon as we have made the required decisions.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Chamberlain
Head Teacher